If gods existed, would they be bothered with mere doctrines made up by men?
Half banana
JoinedPosts by Half banana
So according to wt. Doctrine, If you die one day before Armageddon...
by nowwhat? inyou will be resurrected.
but if you live one more day when armageddon starts you will die a horrible death with no chance of a resurrection.
makes sense to me!.
No, They Will Never Notice!
by Atlantis insince the watchtower has already made this bible public, i can put a link out here.. no, the rank & file will never notice the words "governing body" have been inserted into acts 15: 1-35 in the 2019 new world translation, matthew to acts.. click the image to make it larger if need be.. https://postimg.cc/sqvdl10w petra!
Half banana
The scripture at Acts 15, not written by Paul, represents one particular contemporary strain of Christian thinking from among those who were conscious of the non-Jewish converts who wanted clarification on doctrine.
Christianity from the start was diversified and full of divisions because even before the invention of the Roman Church, which really did universalise belief through force, there were many sects developing and diverging. What appears in the final Roman selection of scripture in Acts, is an almost democratic mission to sort out a problem of teaching. There is no mention of a supreme authority as there came to be in the fourth century under Imperial Rome.
Rome had absolute control but the leaders of the JW organisation function in a solipsistic bubble, collectively they have Solipsism syndrome.
"This refers to a psychological state in which a person feels that reality is not external to his or her mind". That is; only what we think is right....is right. It includes the inability to see that others could be right with an alternative viewpoint. It is an essential defect for leaders of a religious cult. Democracy in any form is the death of this type of autocratic leadership.
For one hundred and forty one years seeing themselves as privileged members of the governance of the Watchtower, the GB imagine they are the apple of God's eye, the very focus of his attention!. They are a collective of narcissists who are even prepared to alter the Bible to favour their own role as divinely appointed leaders and credit their own work as ordained by scripture.
What hubris!
It can only lead to their downfall.
Netherlands: sexual abuse report can stay online judge rules
by yalbmert99 inhttps://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2020/08/jehovahs-witness-sexual-abuse-report-can-stay-online-judge-rules/.
Half banana
The Dutch Government recognise that the JW organisation publishes lies, namely that they give pastoral care to the victims when in fact they certainly do not..
JW "pastoral care" consists of this remedy: read the WT literature and keep preaching.
This is wholly self interested, misguided and uncaring not to say desperately wrong. The abuse problem until now has been concealed for the sake of bad publicity. The self esteem of abused person just withers away. People lose the will to live when those in authority who claim to care just ignore the plight of those who have been sexually abused.
The mormon church(The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
by asp59 inanyone here thats a former mormon?
a person in the internet wrote abouth them.
that community could not be more impressive in its cohesion, sincerity, benevolence, decency, patriotism, and faith.. i seen mormons go from house to house before the convid virus.they always seem cheerful.
Half banana
Always be sincere, whether you mean it or not.....
However it's probably easier to swallow ancients Bible myths than it is to believe 19th century fantasies about finding golden tablets bearing the book of Mormon. In both cases, the evidence for the truthfulness of the Bible and the Book of Mormon, is no stronger than for fairies living at the bottom of the garden.
You simply have to want to believe it.
The toxic JW Worldview
by TD insometimes i forget how small-minded, petty, provincial, mean-spirited ignorant and judgemental it was and still is.... then i sit down with a jw relative, hoping to have a normal conversation and realize there is literally nothing to talk about.. nothing..... current events?
your job?
Half banana
It must be distressing for you Gorby.
It is also very hard to get on the same wavelength with people who have willingly given up their personal choices in life, their career, their ambitions and even handed over their own conscience to eight men they don't even know -- who live in a metaphorical bunker in New York State.
It says something about an individual's view of themselves to want to become a doormat and be proud of it.
The Black Goat in the JW Covid-19 Report - 2020 Governing Body Update #5
by Oh-my-God indid you notice this?
2020 governing body update #5. https://www.jw.org/en/library/videos/#en/mediaitems/latestvideos/docid-702020307_1_video.
why do they show the black goat in the picture?
Half banana
Back when I was a member of the Watchtower Voodoo cult, there was a sister who didn't like the bother's house where the grope study was held. To get to the front door you had to pass between a pair of fancy vases on plinths which held geraniums in the summer. The vases had horned goats heads forming handle like projections at the sides and the sister, who was very narrow in outlook but took the memorial emblems, was convinced they were demonic. Yer can't please everyone!
The Black Goat in the JW Covid-19 Report - 2020 Governing Body Update #5
by Oh-my-God indid you notice this?
2020 governing body update #5. https://www.jw.org/en/library/videos/#en/mediaitems/latestvideos/docid-702020307_1_video.
why do they show the black goat in the picture?
Half banana
It's just a sculpture folks....there are no ibexes native to Angola...looks like an ibex perhaps a female Nubian ibex ...but the ibex is a goat! (genus Capra)
What was Jesus "anointed" as?
by Doug Mason init is illogical to say that “jesus was anointed as christ”.
that’s like saying that “jesus was anointed as anointed”.
the question that needs to be asked is: “what was jesus anointed as?”.
Half banana
Quoting the Bible sounds dandy GB but the Bible is not truth, it is not history or factual rather it is what today we call hype!
It was literature for the illiterate, blousy with promises of deliverance from political subjugation, (the Jews were always subject to foreign domination) it was full of hopes for abundance which their desert homeland could not achieve, it extolled the virtue of their pathetic God YHVH whose worth was humiliated by their failure to conquer their oppressors. It revelled in the prospect of a glorious victory, it gave hope and heart to the peasants who lived in Judea and Israel.
These things are at the core of the heartaches and theological recriminations found in Jewish literature, it is the essential pleading of the underdog which the Bible reading masses historically have identified with as as their own predicament in life. This has been one of the strengths of the Bible which have made it somewhat relevant....until now.
As for its prophetic value, it is quite simply hopeless.
Another Unnecessary Early Death
by Slidin Fast ina young man in somerset in england, under massive pressure from financial and relationship issues lapsed into mental illness.
he was unlucky enough to have as his support system the local congregation of jehovah's witnesses.
one of the symptoms of his illness was the use of tobacco.
Half banana
So sorry for the family concerned.
Isn't this a perfect demonstration of what JW "brotherhood" really means? You are only 'permitted' to show love to those as recommended by the governing body, that is those who are loyal to the leadership and who perform the JW rituals.
Jesus however recommended something else. He said that the Jewish law was summarised by love of God and neighbour. Surely the essence of Christiany as Jesus taught, was to love one's neighbour (not another JW) as oneself.
This poor man deperately needed compassion and thoughtful assisstance -- what he got was JW style shunning.
What a mistake it is to turn to the JW organisation for help.
Jesus on the stake
by dothemath ini sat in recently with some relatives for the sunday meeting.
the talk was given by a bethel speaker, who at one point quoted john 20:25.
“but he said to them: “unless i see in his hands the print of the nails and stick my finger into the print of the nails and stick my hand into his side, i will never believe it.”.
Half banana
First of all there are no eyewitness acounts of the execution of a miracle worker called Jesus. In other words the story of his death comes from literature not historical facts
In latin the word crux from which we get crucifixion referred to the gibbet or simple scaffold on which the condemned were hung, it was not defined by its shape. It could be any upright pole with a cross member nailed on the top of the post or no cross member-- or it could be a living tree. The punishment of crucifixion referred to the agonising death incurred, especially if all the weight was on the nailed hands without support from the legs. Either way it was a humiliating, agonising death and a hideous reminder for onlookers to obey the Roman ordinances.
And yes dothemath, the GB are far more likely to highlight anything which furthers their own viewpoint. Religious thought only looks for affirmation of existing beliefs, never does it investigate counter information.
In the past the WT understood that the Christian cross is pagan so they look for ways to downplay any link of their brand of religion with conventional Christianity. These days all that seems to matter is blind obedience to HQ.